I received Judi's yummy goodies in the mail yesterday. I ordered her Vanilla Bean Orange Cream soap bon bon as well as her Chocolate Fudge and Honey Cream Bon Bon.
Look at what else she generously included in my package!

A sample of her Sweetest Lemon Raspberry Kiss Shea Butter Whipped Cream, Cafe Mocha Whipped Shea Butter Sugar Cream Scrub and Scrumptious Orange Vanilla Shea Butter Whipped Cream
I couldn't wait to try them so I rushed off to the shower with the Orange Vanilla soap and oh, my it is heaven! It smelled so lovely I just didn't want to get out! Topped it all off with the orange vanilla whipped cream. I wanted to use the raspberry lemon but orange vanilla cream goes with orange vanilla soap! So yummy yummy smelling! Wasn't overpowering and didn't have that overly sweet, cloying fragrances that some soaps have. In one word it smelled real. Also, it made my skin feel baby soft ;)
Judi, I've got a surprise for you. Will PM you soon. Thank you ever so much for the wonderful goodies. You rock! I think it's safe to say I'll be ordering from you again in the very near future!!! Just have to bring some back to Malaysia to share with my family.
You can read my previous feature on Satin Petal Soap here and why not satisfy your cravings and visit her etsy shop here.
Wow, oh cute are those! Guess where my next Etsy shopping is going to be?
Hey! Yay! I am so excited you liked all your goodies! YUM! Tee hee! Thanks so much for a wonderful feature! YAY! xxoo :)
Trisha: You'll love them I guarantee it completely!
Judi: You deserve it Judi for making such wonderful bath and body products!!!
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